Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection; It is the most common viral infection transmitted to both men and women by sexual intercourse in the world.
The first signs of HPV infection may be itching or the appearance of warts in the infected area.
HPV virus is a type of virus that must be treated.
Genital warts in the genital area caused by the HPV virus are called “condyloma”. Its incidence in the community is 9-13%.
There are more than 200 types of HPV. Even years after HPV 15 infection is transmitted, it is known to cause cervical cancers, nasopharyngeal cancer, head and neck cancers, anal cancer, vulva and vagina cancer, penile cancer, tongue, larynx and tonsil cancers.
HPV types 6 and 11 are low-risk types in terms of cancer development, the highest risk groups of HPV are HPV Type 16 and HPV 18. If HPV Types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 are not treated, cervical cancer and other It is responsible for 90% of cancers.
HPV is a DNA virus. HPV is the odorless and painless warty lesions, which appear in different colors and grow slowly, as one or more in and around the genital area such as the penis, anus, and vagina, and are called “CONDYLOMA”.
The HPV virus affects the genetic structure of the cell by reaching the basal layer cells and settling inside the cell.
Due to the variability of the incubation period of the HPV virus, the incubation period for HPV wart development after infection varies between 2 weeks and 6 months. Sometimes, the first symptoms may appear 6 years after the infection.
Patients who remain silent for many years and do not show any symptoms play an active role in the spread of the virus.
Cancer can develop after 10 years or more.
Since HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the genital areas, the first symptoms are usually around the genital area; it is rarely seen in certain parts of the body such as mouth, neck, anus, groin.
Many people who get HPV continue their normal lives, some of them are at risk of cancer.
Cervical cancer, cervical cancer and other cancers may develop within 10-20 years.
Low immune system and body resistance,
Long-term use of cortisone
recurrent genital infections,
pregnancy period,
Irregular, unbalanced diet,
HPV is a type of virus that is generally sexually transmitted.
The probability of transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse with an individual carrying HPV infection is around 50%.
If the HPV in the sexual partner of the person is high, the transmission rate is higher.
It can easily pass through skin contact, friction and minor abrasions and wounds on the skin.
HPV infection is more common in cases where sexual life starts at an early age and in polygamous situations.
It is more likely to be transmitted from men to women.
The HPV virus is highly contagious, usually during vaginal and anal sexual intercourse, although condoms reduce the risk of transmission, it cannot completely prevent it. It can be transmitted only by skin-to-skin contact, even without sexual intercourse.
Infection rates in anal and oral intercourse are very high.
Oral sex is a risk factor for most head and neck mouth-tongue-throat (oropharyngeal) cancers.
It may not be transmitted to all people who have sexual intercourse with people who are carriers of HPV.
People with weakened immune systems are more likely to be infected.
People with a strong immune system may not be infected.
HPV can also be seen during pregnancy and its spread may become faster during pregnancy.
HPV can be transmitted from mother to baby during birth.
Infections are generally
sexual contact,
perinatal (congenital) transmission,
contamination from objects and surfaces, and
respiratory tract (through droplets) is in the form of transmission.
Transplacental transmission can occur from sperm carrying HPV during fertilization and by advancing in the female genital tract.
Surfaces such as toilets, bathrooms, objects used during the treatment of genital warts, Vaginal ultrasound probes may rarely be contaminated, they must be well disinfected.
Respiratory transmission of HPV is a controversial issue.
An active HPV infection can occur in both men and women.
1.- If the immune system of the individual is strong, he can defeat the HPV virus.
2.-Although the individual carries the HP Virus and spreads it sexually, no symptoms and problems may occur.
3.-Chronic HPV infections can lead to cancer of the cervix (cervix), anus, vagina, vulva (external genitalia) and oropharynx (mouth-pharynx) cancers.
Since sufficient antibodies are not formed in HPV infection, it recurs even if the same HPV is present.
Among the risk factors that accelerate the transformation of HPV infection into cancer are;
having the first sexual experience at a young age,
More than three births
Presence of other sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia trichomatis and herpes simplex, HIV,
Smoking and tobacco use, Smokers have a 27% increased risk of developing genital warts compared to non-smokers.
Situations in which the immune system is suppressed,
It is considered to be poor personal hygiene.
HPV is a slow-growing virus, the incubation period of HPV infection is between 2-6 months.In some patients infected with HPV, genital warts appear within a few weeks, while in some patients it can be seen years later.After the person is infected with HPV, usually in the latent (silent) period, the virus does not show any clinical symptoms even though it is in the body. and the latency period can be up to 12 months.Since the patient does not show any symptoms during this period, it is the period in which HPV is transmitted the most.The individual’s immune system; After HPV is taken into the body, it eliminates 70% in the first year and 90% in the second year.The main symptoms of HPV Human Papilloma Virus infection are noticed after the formation of genital warts on the penis, around the vulva, anus, rectum, in the groin.The most contagious period of condylomas, which appear in the form of small pieces of meat with cauliflower appearance in and around the genital area, is the stage where visible lesions are present.If left untreated, warts can spread to surrounding tissues.In later stages, the formation of cancerous cells can be observed in the penis, vulva, anus, around the rectum, around the penis, in the mouth, oropharynx, larynx and even in the esophagus.When a lesion in the form of a condyloma appears, its type should be determined by biopsy.It may be possible to detect pre-cancerous lesions in the early period with a pop-smear screening test.
HPV in and around the genital area gives the appearance of pink, brown or white cauliflower-like pieces of meat.
Itching in the genital area
Pain during sexual intercourse
Bleeding after sexual intercourse
There is a stinging sensation in the genital area.
In men, genital warts appear along the penis, testicles, groin, and around the anus. Sometimes it can reach the bladder by moving inside the anus or urethra and through the urethra.
In women, it is seen around the anus, vulva, vagina, cervix, cervix.
Warts appear in the form of cauliflower raised on the skin, skin-colored, pink, red, white or gray in color, hard or soft consistency.
5% of cancers are caused by HPV.
HPV infections are seen as a definite risk factor for cancer of the penis, anus, rectum, mouth, nasopharynx and larynx in men.
Giant Condyloma: It is a type of HPV wart that grows slowly, can reach giant sizes and has the possibility of becoming cancerous (35-50%).
In the presence of HPV, it can cause infertility, affect sperm count and motility.
In women, it is to have the HPV vaccine at the age of 9-14 years at puberty.
In all sexually transmitted diseases, regular use of condoms in polygamous relationships can relatively reduce the risk of infection, but it does not completely eliminate the transmission when HPV is widespread in a wide area and its contagiousness is very high.
The safest way to prevent HPV and other STDs is to avoid oral and anal sex.
Having a monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected partner.
Razor shaving, waxing and epilation of the genital area increase the risk of HPV transmission.
Therefore, after this area is cleaned of hair, at least one day should be waited for sexual intercourse. While there is a lesion, the cleaning of the hairs should be done by other methods.
The hairs in the genital area provide protection against HPV as well as many viruses and bacteria.
SMOKING cessation: The rate of HPV is higher in smokers. Not smoking and high immunity also play an active role in the development of infection after the transmission of the virus. HPV VACCINE: HPV vaccine is important for the prevention of HPV-related cancers. HPV vaccine protects against 90% of this infection. It is recommended to routinely vaccinate girls aged 11-12, and it is generally accepted that the vaccination age group is 13-26 in women. It can also be applied to sexually active women, but it is less effective than those who have not started a sexual life, Vaccination is recommended routinely between the ages of 9-21. The vaccine is recommended to be administered intramuscularly in three doses, once every three months.
DIAGNOSIS Physical examination is sufficient for diagnosis. The diagnosis of warts can be confirmed by taking a biopsy. HPV typing can be done by biopsy taken from warts and oral, nasopharyngeal and anal swab. A “smear” screening test may be required for a definitive diagnosis of HPV, and colposcopy is also very valuable in diagnosis. In the differential diagnosis: It can be confused with precancerous skin lesions and lesions caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus.
Due to the antiviral effect and tissue nourishing properties of Revita Ozonated Oil, very successful results have been obtained in HPV treatment in recent years.
The application is to apply Revita Ozonated Oil on the lesion and the places where the lesions may come out.
After the vulva is well lubricated, Revita Ozonated Oil should be drawn into the two ml injector and gently squeezed into the vagina morning and evening. This process cleans both fungi, viruses and germs in the vagina, as well as HPV viruses.
Teeth and gums are brushed morning and evening with Revita Ozonated Oil and swallowed.
A dessert spoon Revita Ozonated Oil is taken into the mouth and rubbed all over the mouth with the help of the tongue and swallowed.
In addition, Revita Ozonated Oil, the mouth and oropharynx, 5-10 drops are dripped into the nose, poured through the nose and swallowed.
If there is an infection at the beginning, it may be burning, but this burning sensation will pass in a short time.
Since REVITA OZONATED OIL does not contain plastic, it can be applied to the mouth, nose, vagina, rectum and open wounds. It can be swallowed.
You can order Revita Ozonated Oil from Selcuk pharmaceutical warehouse in Turkey.
Adress: Altunizade Mah. Kuşbakışı Cad. No:37 34662 Nakkaştepe / İstanbul
Telephone: 090 216 554 0554
Since REVITA OZONATED OIL does not contain plastic, it can be applied to the mouth, nose, vagina, rectum and open wounds. It can be swallowed.